About Peace
Why are we called Peace? Because we humbly believe there is a peace that only Jesus Christ can give.
We belong to the EPC (Evangelical Presbyterian Church, www.epc.org), a growing, Christ-centered denomination. We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and our messages are biblically-based and applicable to everyday life. We have a friendly, casual atmosphere, a blend of contemporary and traditional worship, and a special emphasis upon prayer and equipping our members to share God’s love with others in down-to-earth ways.
Peace is a growing church. Our new building, located on over 8 acres, has been paid for within just 9 years. We recently added a children’s ministry directorate to help us minister to kids and their parents.

Our founding pastor, Dr. James Banks, is also a writer for Our Daily Bread and a best-selling author with Discovery House Publishers. God has used his books to encourage people all over the world in prayer. You can learn more about this special ministry at www.JamesBanks.org. James is a graduate of Westmont College, Princeton and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminaries, and is fluent in several languages. James and Cari have been married 33 years since they met in college. They have two grown children and one grandson.